Saturday, October 25, 2008


The MRAP that picked me up from JSS WASHASH was very crowded, and you can't really see out of them.. So I pretty much just slept on my way to my new home. Sleep is something you take when you can get it here. It doesn't really matter what time it is.

They dropped me off and tossed my gear out the back and drove off with no instructions. I had NO idea who I was supposed to be looking for, but as with most situations here in Iraq. If you wander around sooner or later, people point you in the right direction. I went around a group of T-Walls and walked toward the three story building known as JSS KHADRA. THe building is white and turquoise, in a checkerboard pattern. With old style Iraqi flags painted down the columns. I would later learn that this was once the Ministry of Transportation building, and Iraqi Police Station. Thats right, I'm living in an Iraqi DMV.

As I walked up I heard a bewildered "who the *%$# are YOU?". Lt Scott was the one asking the questions, he didnt seem to have ANY clue that I was coming. Even with that, he welcomed me in, and started showing me around. Khada is made up of a couple of buildings, but again only a 9 foot concrete wall seperates us from the rest of the city. The big difference between this and Washash, was that here we share our space with the Iraqi Army. The IA guys try to emulate the Americans best they can, much to the amusement of the US soldiers. The IA wear kevlar vests with no plates in many occasions, and put knee pads around their ankles, even when they HAVE knee pads on their knees. (The knee pads on the ankles thing was popular among US soldiers around 2005-2006 before it bacame mandatory to wear them the proper way). many times they'll have radios that dont work attached just for the look. Thier uniforms never match, and they lack alot of discipline. The iraq Army is just a normal job here. You apply and can quit whenever without consequence. They CAN, however be thrown in jail for ten days for falling asleep, or even WORSE to them is having their head shaved. Yeah, I don't know either. Thats just what they told me.

A quick note. Iraq is the home to about 68,000,000,000,000 flies. I feel like one of those kids that needs 75 cents a day to get the flies to leave them alone.

Khadra was alot nicer than Washash, and alot bigger. Some of the guys made an outdoor bar and barbeque. Even though they can't drink on Iraqi soil, it's cool that they have a place to hang out. This new group also enjoys Halloween more than any other I've seen. They have decorations EVERYWHERE here at the JSS. The iraqi guys thing they are evil pagan infidels for hanging skulls and zombies all over. It really creeps them out.

LT Scott showed me around a little more, including the Iraqi Motor Pool and CCP. Which is Casulty Collection Point. Anytime there is a death in the area. The body can be picked up here. It smells delightfull, as you can probably imagine.

I was given the bunk of a dude that is out on leave, and it's very very cramped. about 14 guys, both soldiers and Iraqi interpreters ("terps") living on bunks in an area about the size of a two car garage.

I'm being kicked off the computer now, so I'll have to do more tomorrow :)

bye campers!


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