Saturday, October 18, 2008



So I made it. Kuwait was ALOT diferent than Dubai. It's very appearant that you are in a middle eastern country here, Dubai was a little bit like Vegas, only in Dubai everyone spoke english.

After getting my visa and my passport stamped (yes Mom and Dad they still stamp them here :) cool eh? ) I grab my gear and meet up with SSG Guffey at the Starbucks outside the terminal

SSG Guffey was waiting for me in Civian attire, and greeted me with an Arkansas "hey there", some quick introductions, and we're off. One big difference with Kuwait, was that they scan you LEAVING the airport as well. I guess you can't be too careful.

I carried my 75lbs of gear for about 2 blocks, where Guffey's white government SUV was waiting. It was nighttime, but Kuwait was a smelly place, and very very hot. It was alot more westernised than I thought it would be. they even had a radio station blaring out the Fergie. 6,000 miles, and I still and escape the Fergalicious :(

The freeways in Kuwait are wacky, no speed limit, and nobody pays attention to lanes, and for some reason, even though there was a huge sandstorm (more on that later) people were hanging out in the center divider BBQing in the sand. I have no idea. The Soldeirs driving also thought it was strange.

Once we get to Ali Al Salem, we go through my instructions, talk about meeting with the Utah National Guard's 211 Aviation, and Im off to bed.

I got a bunk, in a very hot tent, with 7 russian contractors. For some reason they wanted to talk and keep the lights on, so I didnt get much sleep. Instead I walked over to the PX and started making some freinds.

I found that the PX had nice cold American Diet Coke, score. I also grabbed a 3 dollar blanket to use instead of a sleeping bag. The base in Kuwait has many ammenities, Pizza Hut, Subway, McDonalds, KFC, I had Pizza. I talked to a huge black dude, his name was MSGT Taylor. he was really cool, and excited for what I ws trying to do. A few Marines I talked to also were very supportive of my plan. I thought that was really cool.

I will have more on the Sandstorm, as well as my second day in Kuwait, plus my flight to Iraq in a little bit. In the meantime!

LOOK! pictures from Dubai!

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