Thursday, October 16, 2008


hey hey I made it!

I am now officially as far away from home as I have ever been. My first time off the continent!

I must say, airports all look the same. That is kind of nice.

People in Dubai smell funny, and I am now very aware of a few things that I have taken for granted in the good ol' USA.

First, MANNERS. Yeah man, like waiting in line. People here don't wait in line. They want to ALL be at the front. They also dont take the hint when the tall white guy makes a loud "AHEM"

ALSO basic custumer service is RIGHT OUT the window here. It has been pretty uneventfull in Dubai so far, everyone speaks English, and the airport looks like a mall. Lots of stuff to bai in dubai.. yeah man, Ive been awake 32 hours. Thats the best your going to get out of me joke wise.

I'm trying to avoid complaining a whole lot on here, but lets face it. Flying sucks. Then top that off with a delayed flight and no cell service, you are in for a little bit a hissy fit.

I sent an email to the army escort that was supposed to pick me up in Kuwait 2 hours ago, to let him know my flight is FIVE HOURS behind schedule. Im hoping he got it. OTHERWISE, you'll get more posts of me whining.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whine away jon you're entitled. What you're doing is remarkable - suffering a little whimpering is the least the rest of us could do.

Be safe, we miss you.