Sunday, October 19, 2008

KUWAIT! sandstorm, and flight to Iraq

We were supposed to hook up with the Utah Army National Guard's 211th Avaiation Unit in Kuwait this week, but a sandstorm halted my travels. So I'll try and come back through Kuwait a day early, and see if I can catch up with them then.

Sandstorms are very creepy. It's not a sand like I'm used to it's very fine. Like dust from a vacuume. It does not need wind or anything, it just picks up and travels, and it gets absolutly everywhere.

So instead of waiting in Kuwait, the Army decided to get me into Baghdad asap to avoid any weather problems. I get manifested on a flight to BIAP (Baghdad International AirPort) and grab my gear and hang out. There is a flatscreen TV in here, so the CO said if anyone has a DVD they could go ahead and throw it in, after a frantic rush of Soldiers and Airmen rustling through their packs looking for their favorite movies, the screen came on. I head one guy say "this better be in english" . It was "Super Troopers" so I was happy.

I got on a flight on whats called "Space-R" status, and hopped on a bus to the airfield. The bus driver was a nut job. Some crazy old lady from Texas, who gave preferential treatment to people FROM Texas. "Ft Worth? go ahead and get on, the rest of y'all can wait"

She also threated us with Diareah if we ate on the bus. a little bit of poopoo voodoo? I'd be lying if I said it wasnt just a little bit nerve racking pulling out the Kevlar for the first time and getting ready for the flight. We had about five hours to wait on the flight line to wait before we could board our plane. We were told later it was because it was Steak and Lobster night at the base and the pilots were not going to miss out on that. Wish they had told us, being as we were just there.

Most soldiers out here take any opportunity they can to get some sleep, I talked to a few, as well as some of the private contractors and decided that I too, should try and rest. I grabbed about 30 minutes worth of nappy goodness on the shell of an old airplane hanger, left pretty much untouched after being bombed by the US in the first Gulf War. Every building near the airstrip has one thing in common, a giant jaged hole in the top and buckled sides, left to rust and rot after the war in 1991. Many tanks and vehicles are left where they were as the retreating Iraqi army ditched them on the road back to Baghdad.

again, no pictures were allowed. It's a miracle they let anyone take photos at all.

We boarded a HUGE C-17 Globemaster from the rear ramp and we were off. next stop, Iraq!


Anonymous said...

John, sounds like your are in for one great adventure. What I still can't figure out is why you are on this adventure. Are you press, a contractor, or part of a National Guard unit? A little background would help to understand why you are there and what you plan to accomplish.

Even without that background, it's still and interesting read!

eljonsmith said...


I am here in Iraq as a member of the press. As a radio host delivering messages of support to our troops on the ground. I have never been out of the US before this trip so it has been very enlightening.

Thank you for reading! I'm updating as often and as quickly as possible, so there is ALOT more to come.

Thank you!

Jon Smith

Anonymous said...


Sweet you have non-local readers! You've established an international fan club already! To any reading this blog who aren't femiliar, Jon is the best radio personality in the entire world. We here in southern Utah adore his antics and whacky personality every morning. I, for one, wouldn't be as eager to get out of bed for work each morning if not for knowing he will have me cracking up on my morning commute. It's a small town and a small town station but Jon has proven to be a BIG influence with BIG aspirations. Our mayor even declared an official Jon Smith holiday in his honor. We support you Jon ... be safe!

bathmate said...

As always an excellent posting.The
way you write is awesome.Thanks. Adding more information will be more useful.
